E-Book publishing made simple

Availabe for all the major publishing platforms

ebook design


Ebook design is all about the full package. The content, layout, cover and marketing. You can have the best book in the world. Carefully proofed, prose as sharp as a cut throat razor. That dog still will not hunt. The cover, title and description are what attracts readers to your book. Once you get by the attraction hurdle. There’s the typography. Content should be easy to read. Broken down into paragraphs. Choice of font and line spacing should make the book easy to read. Legibility/readability is the art of the typographer.


Cover design

We have almost 20 years experience of designing covers, artwork and promotional material for recognised brand magazines in the UK. We know what makes a magazine stand out on the shelves of a newsagent. A good cover should reflect the content of a magazine or book. The cover and book title are the initial attraction to a sale.



A book or publication should be easy to read. Choice of font and line-spacing are important to the readability of a book or magazine. A well typeset book makes it easy for the reader to follow the text. We understand typesetting and the value it adds to legibility and readability of books and publications. Our expertise is in type for traditional print and on-screen reading.



A well designed and advertised book should be available in all the major book stores. it should stand out from the competition. It's not enough just to deploy a publication to a store and hope for large volume sales. That product requires to have a viral presence on the internet. A book can quickly attract readers/purchasers for other sources



Rev it up

We can add interactivity to your book. Thats sounds, video and animations where required. Alternatively we can produce books that have a Smart-phone App as a companion to increases sales. In the App store and in the Ebook store increase the chances of a sale.

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Office: Parque Del Miño San Fulgencio 03177 Alicante